Friday, May 6, 2016

Maxineʻs Entrepreneur Experience

People around the world, at one time or another dream of being their own boss.  My dream is no different.  My Business Portfolio shares some samples of me dabbling as a Freelancer in layout designing and creating newsletters, stationaries, resumes, brochures, flyers, business cards, power points, short videos, websites and much more.  

As an entrepreneur my two primary obstacles is marketing my business and developing a steady base of satisfied and return customers.  At times my resilience have been compromised.  Still, my interest, passion and dedication draws me to the world of technology.  Therefore, I continue my quest in finding my place and my niche in this technical world and happy that PMIH is that vehicle of life for both my financial and health/wellness goals!  

It has been almost 20 years since I’ve stumbled into the world of technology.  In retrospect, I don’t think that in my wildest dreams I could have ever fathomed the advances that has occurred throughout the past 20 years.  How did we go from a main frame system that took up an entire floor of a building to a pocket size device?  Twenty years ago you would have been thought to be a bit eccentric if you said, someday a tiny hand held computer will take pictures, call a friend, navigate, message, apply for a job, shop on line or watch a video.  “Social Media”, what the heck is that?  

According to IT jobs will grow 22% through 2020, says U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).  The demand for software developers will also increase between 28% and 32%.  The forecast for future jobs are great.  I take absolute pleasure in encouraging students to explore technology as a career choice.

This is why I got so excited when my parents shared with me about this new journey and the business tools and support they offer.  We must evolve with todayʻs technology enable to keep up with future evolution.  To be involve with a company that offers awesome training on cutting edge software programs and an operational team that keeps us ahead of the game is electrifying to me.

I always had a dream to partner with my parents, Joseph & Elizabeth, in a small business where we could combine our skills and experience as a family and benefit in many ways from that success.  Our collaboration is the reason our business name is JEMs, it represent all our first names combine and together we shine like a gem.  'Ohana or family is very important to us and we are determine to always be connected and support each other in every way possible.  

I highly recommend current and future entrepreneurs to jump on board this opportunity train and learn how to produce a success online business that can give you the lifestyle of your dreams.


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

NEW Adventure as a family

How can people successfully gain a financial FREEDOM lifestyle?  A question we've been trying to figure out for years. Traditionally, one would need to physically work hard to achieve financial stability and if they work really hard they may be able to save for their future.

We are the founders of JEMs Online Lifestyle (Joe, Elizabeth & Maxine) and we grouped up with online marketers that's mentoring us by sharing the steps we need to accomplish our family goals.

Fortunately, we currently live in a society where the computer evolved into a must needed tool for everyone.  We are now able to venture online and basically work with the world right at our fingertips.  Thankfully, a good friend of the family, Paki Morgado, introduce us to a system that is 90% automated turn key internet business.  It's a successful proven strategy and we're excite to be part of it.  Come join our family and lets make it happen together.  Click on the link below to begin your journey of opportunity.